Thursday, May 14, 2009

moving day..

today was another glorious day in Alaska.. after spending the day hiking for work along Turnagain Arm.. jordan, myself and four other friends hiked Bird Ridge.. That evening jordan and i decided it was time to let the girls check out their new digs! So, we moved them in.

They were thrilled to have more room for frolicing about, scratching and exploring. It's a lovely view from the inside of the cabin to the coop run. Funny thing the girls haven't quite figured out glass.. they keep pecking at my glass door thinking they can come in the cabin.. woke up this morning to tap.. tap.. tap.. and a very confused chicken!

1 comment:

Cathy said...

Hey Lu

Thanks for the blog - I have enjoed reading it and seeing the pics. I would like to submit a name for one of the ladies.


Love ya,